Sunday, September 07, 2008

Rollerskating Number 2

A friend and I went rollerskating with the kids yesterday. It was all rainy out with Ms. Hanna trying to pass through but she hadn't reached us yet. So it was my two and her five year old god daughter. Boy - did they have a blast. No pictures today, unfortunately, but can you imagine a skating rink full of kids no older than 12 and almost every single one of them hanging on to the wall for dear life? My friend and I were actually on the floor with Little Man and the Little Ms. (while I was holding Baby Girl, she thought it was hilarious) holding their hands while they attempted to skate. Little Man did much better than the last time, spent less time on the floor, and it was only his second time. I love that. We played a few rounds of air hockey - we ended up kicking Little Man and Little Ms. off so we could get a round in. We were like children ourselves, air hockey brings out the best in everyone.
It was a nice relaxing day, and no more than an hour after we got home the kids fell asleep. Hanna zoomed through a little after Daddy got home from work, and all the channels had tornado warnings along with the tropical storm warnings, but it was harmless. The lights went out for a minute (literally). Today is a nice sunny day, and I"m actually going to walk to the corner market with the kids to see what we can make for dinner tonight. I felt a little "blah" when I looked at what we had. Maybe something to throw into my crockpot - I got that thing for Christmas and I still have yet to use it.

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