Sunday, July 13, 2008

What is your name?

Just because things are really shitty around here doesn't mean the kids stop being cute. Little Man is really into 'writing' right now. There is almost always a pen and paper in his hand, and he 'writes' things down. They are usually a scribble...
Well today he comes to me in the room and says "Mommy, I'm writing your name."
"Okay baby, and what is my name?" He has called me by my name before so I was expecting him to say it...instead he says "Mrs. Doriguez."
I look at Daddy, who is already smiling.
"Baby what's your name?" I ask.
"Little Man Doriguez."

It's too funny that he is even saying (or closely saying) our last name...
I love it. I'll be sad the day he says it correctly.

*Still waiting for the 'you're hired!' phonecall for Daddy. Please keep praying or thinking, or doing your rain dances. They have helped before...thank you for thinking of us.

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