Sunday, December 02, 2007

Tooth Sensitivity?

Biotene sent me a sample of their new toothpaste in the mail. In their insert they explained how the toothpaste is supposed to help you if you have sensitive teeth or gums, or if you experience dry mouth.
I myself don't suffer from any of the above, so I sent the toothpaste sample over to my mother. She looked at me like I was crazy when I told her "Hey, Mom, try this toothpaste and then tell me about it so i can tell the world." She still doesn't 'get' the blogging

She tried the toothpaste for about a week and told me that she likes it. She said it really does help with the dry mouth she often gets with her diabetes, and her brushing experience wasn't painful in the mornings. Compared to what she usually uses, I won't say the name but it starts with Senso and ends with dyne- which leaves her still feeling the dry mouth instead of helping her with it. She told me that the only thing she didn't like was that it didn't foam too much, and she felt like she was brushing with nothing, but when she finished brushing her teeth felt really smooth and clean. If she didn't hate taking pictures, i would have taken a picture of her sparkly whites. Aside from their sensitive toothpaste, Biotene also offers a great line of other products, including mouthwash, gum, and they even have products for children. My mother actually told me that when she went to the pharmacy the other day she checked to see if they carry the toothpaste so that she could continue to buy it after the sample is done. I had her take the photos of the toothpaste so you guys could see the label: .

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