Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Not knowing how to let go

I have a longish list of blogs on my sidebar. At one point I was reading them all every single day, keeping up with everyone's lives and following their ups and downs and in-betweens...
Then I lost my job and had my daughter. And I went on a hiatus...
When I came back I discovered that some of the blog owner's have erased(?) their blogs, or have just stopped writing. I have considered erasing them from my sidebar, and as I was adjusting things around here I almost did it. But then I thought "well, what if they come back? what if something is wrong? what if...what if... what if..."
So it led to me (obviously) not erasing any blogs, but with no other way to contact many of these people other than through their own blogs, i wonder if maybe I just should have erased them.

How do you decide who stays and goes on your sidebar?


Rita said...

If they're not around for you to check, just erase them... I did that a few weeks ago when i changed my blog's name. I made sure to keep the ones I comment on, I read, I find interesting. There are many that dont comment, but i dont realy care. If they erased their blogs, and you know they dont come visit yours, just erase them.
Find new people... :)
that's always good.

DD said...

You could start a seperate category for those that have gone missing are are missed. You never know as I had a blog on my sidebar from my blogspot blog forever. And a year later she came back...

I do, however, weed out blogs that do not reciprocate (if I comment there) or the ones I force myself to click on just b/c they are there but I don't enjoy them so much.

It feels good culling the herd.

Rebecca said...

I don't know. I worry about the same thing. I did clean everything up when I started the new blog, old list had some stagnant blogs on it that I really hated to delete. Just in case. Maybe we are closet blogger packrats who can't let go of stuff....?

Mama of 2 said...

I once had a very long list of blogs that I would visit and well it ended up being a bit much for my side bar so what I did was keep those that I really enjoy there and check out daily and the others well I bookmark them in my favorites so I don't lose them but they aren't cluttering up my sidebar either.

AJW5403 said...

Hey I still read your blog but just don't comment to offten. But as for my blog mypainihide. I changed to a different blog a while back. I just went to inviate only yesterday. So if you would still like to read just e-mail me and let me know.