Friday, February 02, 2007

I don't get it

Maybe because I'm not a smoker...

This morning I went to deposit my paycheck and the woman who parked next to me lit a cigarette when she got out of her car. We had the two best parking spots, right in front, seeing as how we were both there at the butt-crack of dawn, so her walk to the door was short. Right before we reach the door, she threw the cig away.
What is the point? Isn't that like throwing money away? Aren't cigs expensive now? You think she is just getting a fix but still trying to keep her New Year's Resolution?
I don't get it.


Sincerely Iowa said...

God, my sis-in-law does this!!! She's one of those people that has a cigarette in her mouth, ready to light it, 5 minutes before she heads out the door everywhere she goes. she barely makes it out before lighting up, and then she puts it out when she gets to her car! Go figure!

Anonymous said...

that's like asking, "why shoot heroine before breakfast? shouldn't you have a good meal first?"!!! she's a jun.kee.

glad you don't smoke. it's sooo hard to quit ;)

Mama of 2 said...

I have seen many people do that and like you I don't get it. You are so right they are very expensive and tossing one that's barely had 3 puffs taken from it seems like a large waste of money to me.

Diana said...

blonde- I've seen some of those. They look so funny with an unlit cig hanging from the corner of their mouth...
stupormom- Very true.
mamaof2-You think she has good money then, huh? Because I swear she threw out a whole dollar right there.