Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'll be gone-

I'm not going to be at work for a few days. Yesterday I went to my mother's house and my son puked. Out of no where. And hasn't stopped since then.
Be back soon I hope.


Mama of 2 said...

Oh Diana how awful! I hope both you and the little Man are doing better. I have to say that's one of the worst things to deal with especially at his age since he completely doesn't understand what's going on.
It's one thing to have to deal with infant puke it's totally another story when it comes to toddler puke.


dennis said...

hope all improves soon!

Anonymous said...

Poor baby. I hope he feels better soon. There is some kind of vile stomach bug going around right now.
Half my office has been out sick with it. I figured something must be amiss when there were no updates. I started thinking you had abandoned us to watch cable...haha.

Anonymous said...

I hope everything gets better for you and your little man asap. The holidays are no fun when you are sick!

Take good care!


Diana said...

Pukefest is over. Finally.
Thanks for good thoughts, guys, they were needed, even though I couldn't get to a computer till now- will be back to writing (about PUKE) tomorrow when I finally go back to work! (Hopefully my boss didn't give me the boot for missing so many days!)