Monday, January 15, 2007

The beginning of a couple of SOMETHINGS

  • Little Man woke up this morning with what I believe is the beginning of Pink Eye. He cried when he tried to open his eyes and couldn't because they were immensly caked with eye boogers. Wet ones AND dry ones. Fun for him, eh? Well, I took him into the bathroom to wash his face right away, making Daddy freeze in the shower because I didn't warn him that I was turning the faucet on (hahaha) but when we got the boogies out of his eye, it wasn't red or itchy. (I love that the boy can tell me if somethng itches, this growing up stuff isn't too bad after all.) So I let Daddy continue his shower without any more surprise temperature changes, and took the boy back into the room. He didn't rub his eye for anything, and no more eye boogers showed up in the next forty-five mintues, so I packed him up to spend the day with my sister. (Daycare is closed today, but Daddy and I still have to work. More on that later, funny stories.) I hope it was just that he had a night of extra eye boogies and it isn't Pink Eye.
  • Saturday's meeting was awesome. Bossman was just letting us know what was up for the new year, what he was planning to do as far as long-term plans for the Agents. He told us to voice any concerns or problems we had with any of the Agents, and I let him know what was up with Stoopid. He told me that as far as me helping her, it was all fine and dandy, BUT! BUT!!! he told her from the get-up that this company is more independant than the others and she would have to do a lot herself. So when he asked us what the Agents have us do for them, I was the only one who took forever describing it because of Stoopid. He told me that if she wanted so much help from me that she would have to start paying me for my time, because she was occupying too much of my company time. (Let's not get into my blogging time, shhhh!) Still, he said it was ridiculous how she doesn't get anything, and he was going to speak to her about it. He said if she was really that stupid, that he would end up just letting her go. He really said that. "I know I have you girls in my office to help out, but if she really needs that much help, then she should go to another company that can do everything for her." My boss's personality doesn't give him much patience, and just hearing me describe a day with her had him rubbing his temples. That's the thing with Independant companies, they don't have to put up with people's shit, and since he's the bossman, he can just say "BYE BYE!" and that's that.


Anonymous said...

Glad you got to air your complaints about Stoopid and hopefully in the long run she will be out of your life. Admittedly though I will miss the funny stories about her.

Hope Little Man doesn't have pink eye. Not that it's that horrible just a pain for you is all.

Anonymous said...

Look out for that pink eye. All 3 kids here had it over the holidays, and I just got over it.

I probably gave it to your little man - SORRY!


Diana said...

mamaof2- it was like a weight off my shoulders. Don't worry, if she does go, I'm sure he will find someone just as good to replace her. If you remember, she replaced The Asshole, who always made me chock-full-o-stories...
mamalee-if you sent the pink eye through the internet I'm going to have to kick you!

Honestly, I don't know where the Pink Eye would have come from...