Thursday, September 28, 2006

Maybe Good-bye

I may have to quit my job. I'm crying as I write this because i don't want to have to quit my job, but unless I find someone to take care of my son that's the only thing I can do. I have forty hours vacation time for the vacation I will never take anyway, so I at least have some time that I can take off to be able to go to the Welfare Dept. and see if they can give me some assistance and pay (or help pay) for daycare for my son. I don't want food stamps, I don't want their money, I just want daycare. Daycare around here costs $125 A WEEK, for the cheapest place. We can't afford that.
My babysitter told me this morning that she starts a new job today. She told me to still leave my son there today, but that tomorrow she can't take him. I left her house in tears.
What the fuck am I supposed to do?
Everyone I know works. There is no one else who can watch him. If I quit my job, we can't survive on Daddy's paycheck- after taxes and child support for Little Daddy? NO. We will have to move in with one of our parents.
So this may be good-bye from me because I still haven't put the internet on at home, and I won't be able to easily access a computer. It's not like I'm going to be visiting .S. just to get my internet fix everyday.
So there's that.
Wish me luck for tomorrow at the stupid Welfare Dept. Hopefully they will at least help me pay for daycare...they're getting pretty strict in my state.
I hate this shit.


JayMonster said...

Dayum. Nice way to let you know about all of this. Not that it makes much difference now anyway.

Good luck!

Mama of 2 said...

Oh Diana awful and what a way for your babysitter to just drop that in your lap. I'm sorry but that's just wrong. I know you can't change it now but that still doesn't make it right.

I'm not sure where you are located but if it's at all possible I will do what I can to help in terms of babysitting your Little Man.

Good Luck at the Welfare Office!

Jen said...

take your 40 hours...check your local paper first in the Misc. Services...see if there are any in home babysitting know like mom's who stay home with their kids and babysit. If there are any then set up interviews or a time to stop by and check the place out....that's a start...most of the time in home childcare is much more inexpensive than daycare

Pam said...

Well... crap. I'm sorry to hear that, and wish it weren't the case. There's not much I can do down here in GA, but I would if I could.

Anonymous said...

Hey. I'm thinking of you. Take your time. You'll figure it all out. Your boss might even help figure it out. I'm sure they don't want to lose you. I don't know the right words to say, but I'm thinking of you.

dennis said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Have you tried Craig's List? We found good childcare help in our city that way!

if you want somebody to talk to drop note at my email and I'll pass on our #

Julie said...

That was pretty insensitive of her to wait until the last minute like that. I'm hoping that a church, the Y, a local vo-tech or college program (that teaches early childhood education programs with hands-on experience to their students) or SOMETHING is available to you. I've been there, it is a major pain in the ass. You work just to pay for daycare and health insurance.
Very sorry.

Creative-Type Dad said...

Can't even imagine! Craigslist, neighbors, hell maybe even start watching other people's kids by posting on Craigslist....

Tricia said...


In the beginning with Gavin, we used a neighbor who had an in-home daycare. It was awesome! She charged $1.50 - $2.00/hour. So, that avereaged us $60-80/week.

I agree with Jen! Take the 40 hours you have and start interviewing - take Little Man with you. She how he reacts with other kids and call the others kids parents to see what they think.

That's what we did -- hope that helps :)

BTW - I moved my blod - email me at for the new address - LONG STORY!

Tuesday Girl said...

That is so terrible!! Maybe your church has a cheaper day care?

I wish you lived closer because I would watch him for you!

Anonymous said...

That stinks. I feel for you. I wish I could afford daycare so I could work too. One paycheck is never enough. If you were in NY I would gladly babysit. My son could use a playmate!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you have to go through that. I went through the exact same thing, only I was told on a thursday night and I started work on Monday. Tell everyone you know your situation. A friend of the sister in law of my friend is my sitter now. I told everyone my story and people came out and helped me. Even though you might feel off leaving him with a stranger (I know I felt that way leaving a two month old with a complete stranger), it might be a blessing in disguise. The Kid rules the house he stays in. He's got everyone there wrapped around his little fingers. I came to realize that having my sitter bail out on me was the best thing that could ever happen to me. I pay $100 a week, which is a huge chunk of my paycheck but he is over there over 60 hours a week (work and skool).

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you have to go through that. I went through the exact same thing, only I was told on a thursday night and I started work on Monday. Tell everyone you know your situation. A friend of the sister in law of my friend is my sitter now. I told everyone my story and people came out and helped me. Even though you might feel off leaving him with a stranger (I know I felt that way leaving a two month old with a complete stranger), it might be a blessing in disguise. The Kid rules the house he stays in. He's got everyone there wrapped around his little fingers. I came to realize that having my sitter bail out on me was the best thing that could ever happen to me. I pay $100 a week, which is a huge chunk of my paycheck but he is over there over 60 hours a week (work and skool).

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that sucks! I am hoping that you can take your vacation time and find a way to figure it all out before you have to quit. I'll be pulling for you. And missing you, too, if you aren't on here regularly. That will be tragic. I think that babysitter just bought herself some seriously bad karma for that!

sweatpantsmom said...

Hang in there. I hope it all works out for you. Maybe try talking to your boss and being honest about your situation - companies are being much more flexible for mothers who work.